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good food

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Organic production

The European organic farming is an agricultural method that aims to produce food using natural substances and processes.

Additionally, organic farming rules encourage a high standard of animal welfare and require farmers to meet the specific behavioral needs of animals.

The most reliable way to recognize if a product is organic and produced in Europe, is if it includes this official EU logo.

The white leaf on a green background means that EU rules on production, processing, handling and distribution, have been followed and that the product contains at least 95% organic ingredients. This European logo can only be used on products that have been certified by an authorized control agency or body. Some European countries have also created their own organic logos.

Building trust in European Organic Farming

In order for farmers to derive benefits from organic farming methods, consumers need to trust that the rules on organic production are being followed. Therefore, the EU maintains the following strict system of control and enforcement to guarantee that organics rules and regulations are being followed properly. 

Campaign's partners

Bio Net West Hellas

The Agricultural Cooperative of Bioproducers of West Hellas, known as "Bio Net West Hellas" stands as Greece's largest and most influential collective of organic producers. Situated within the Natural Park of Greece, over 200 organic farmers within this cooperative engage in farming and animal breeding while upholding a deep ecological consciousness. Their products are processed and packaged in state-of-the-art facilities, adhering to quality standards ISO 22000, BRC & IFS. Bio Net West Hellas primarily produces organic fresh fruits, organic vegetables, organic olives, organic olive oil, organic wine, organic dairy, and organic meat products, with many of its goods exported to other European nations.

Bulgarian Organic Products Association

The Bulgarian Organic Products Association (BOPA) is a prominent organization that unites over 800 certified organic producers, processors, and traders in Bulgaria. Established in 2009, it holds official recognition from the Ministry of Agriculture and represents the country's organic farming sector. BOPA's primary objectives include promoting organic products, protecting the interests of farmers, fostering trade partnerships, ensuring fair competition with conventional agriculture, and participating in the development of organic production legislation in Bulgaria.

EU Organic Products

Citrus Fruits

Melon & Watermelon


Olives & Olive Oil

Organic Wines

European Foods

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Information provision and promotion measures on organic products in South Korea, Norway and Switzerland.

The Consortium of this European program consists of the Agricultural Cooperative of Bioproducers of West Greece “Bio Net West Hellas”, which is the coordinator of the Action, and the Bulgarian Organic Products Association. The Action is designed to align with the specific objective of increasing the awareness and recognition of EU quality schemes and to increase the market share of EU agricultural products, especially focusing in third countries. Furthermore, it is serving the general objective of the call to enhance the competitiveness of the EU agricultural sector. The Action objective is to acquire new knowledge on organic production and the merits of the Union agricultural products, within the 3-year duration of the Action. The communication mix of the Action is carefully chosen in order to achieve increasing awareness on organic products at the levels depicted in the specific Objective of the Action. All EU organic producers shall benefit by the Action as it is focused on the EU organic production as a whole and the informative character of the Action will confer positive publicity for EU organic products.