Welcome to our European Organic Foods campaign!

EU Organic Food is a promotional campaign funded by the European Union with a series of actions that will be taking place during the next 3 years! It’s a program that aims to highlight and preserve Europe’s gastronomic wealth, by promoting organic products to third-country markets, which show very high interest in European trademark products.

Τhe programs’ products are Organic labeled. That means that their farming is based on objectives, principles and common practices designed to minimize human intervention and its impact on environment, while maximizing the natural functioning of the ecosystem. In addition, organic farming is also part of a wider supply chain, which includes food processing, the distribution and retail sectors and of course the final consumer.

According to European Union, agricultural products are covered by organic farming rules, including aqua-culture and yeast. They encompass every stage of the production process, from seeds to the final processed food. This means that there are specific provisions covering a large variety of products, such as: Citrus fruits (Orange, Mandarin, Lemon and Grapefruit belong to the genus Citrus, and family Rutaceae), Watermelons & Melons, Kiwi fruit, Olive Oil & Olives and Organic Wines.

The EU Organic program includes 2 subcategories of product baskets:

  1. Balkan Taste of Europe: European Organic Products from Bulgaria. This basket includes exceptional Bulgarian wines, tahini, bakery, pickles, marmalades and snacks are made of fruits, vegetables and grains grown by small family farms located between 37 Bulgarian mountains.
  2. Packaged functional foods: The Taste Of Traditional Food Products. In Bulgaria there are multiple niche varieties of honey, herbs, dairy and plant-based fermented foods, juices, vinegars, cereals and sugar-free products.

Stay tuned for our promotional activities and news updates!